Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 2012

As you know, I am a Resolutions kind of gal. I like the idea of starting each year anew while putting behind the challenges of the previous year. It's refreshing and rejuvenating. Here are my 2012 Resolutions:

  • Participate in a Monthly Give every month of 2012: Research shows that you feel better mentally and emotionally when you help others. I will post the January Monthly Give later this week.

  • Create and accomplish monthly, measurable CrossFit fitness goals: I just started a new gym, CrossFit. I'll post more about it later but so far I love it and it was just what I needed to re-boot my workout regimen.

  • Aim to eat Paleo: I don't remember if I've blogged about this way of eating but I tried it last summer and it really worked well for me. Basically it encourages you to eat like a caveman-- meats, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits. Basic, old fashioned eating before we became engulfed by modern agriculture and the evils of sugar! I've read up on it and while I can't spout out all of the biological research behind it, I can tell you it makes sense and it made sense for me when I stuck to it. If you are one of those people that can eat just one piece of chocolate or one piece of bread, this way of life might not be for you. But if you're like me and sugars and carbs trigger more cravings and you've never been good at this whole 'willpower' thing, maybe think about it. I wet my feet with this book, Primal BluePrint. In all reality, I will aim to live the 80/20 rule where I'll do my best to stick to it most days but will indulge in certain non-Paleo foods at parties, holidays, vacations, etc. I heard a good quote the other day- "Everything in moderation, including moderating."

  • Blog more: I find blogging to be a great creative outlet. Blogging is good exercise for my mushy, decaying gray matter.

  • Participate in my community: There are lots of good things happening in our little town. Cory and I joined the Farmer's Market Group. We are hoping to start a Farmer's Market in the town square next Spring. This is a great group of like minded people and its been really fun working with them. I've also become involved in Beatrice's school PTO and that's been fun too. I think this kind of ties into my first resolution. I feel good when I'm connecting with people and helping out. I like the team atmosphere as I lack this in my day-to-day since I primarily work from home.

  • Floss daily.

  • Find a way to work remotely 1 month in the next year: (This goal is a carryover from last year.)

  • Continue to work on mental health goals. (This goal is a carryover from last year.)

So research shows that you have more success at keeping your resolutions when you share them with others and declare them loud and proud. You also have a greater chance at success if you make them measurable and attainable. You also should check in periodically to see how you're faring. I'll set a reminder in my calendar to check back in on March 1st to keep myself accountable.

So let's take a look back at last year's resolutions. I've added my annotations.

  • Use my brain more: I did read a good amount of books last year. I also subscribed to Vanity Fair so I read some great articles there. Don't laugh, I count magazine articles are literature! I also attended a screening of Food Inc. at our local library and went to a couple of author readings.

  • Eat dinner as a family 1 night a week: FAIL. The problem with this goal is that our kids eat dinner at 5pm and go to bed by 7. Usually Cory and I will eat dinner once they're in bed. We do eat breakfast together most mornings though so I think as long as we eat one daily meal together, we're getting that family bonding time around the table. Once they're a bit older, we'll eat dinner together.

  • Get my mental health in order: This one is ongoing. I was doing well after a rocky start last year. I'd say February-October was good. My medication was working and then things got rough again in November through December. My mental state can pretty much be tracked on the calendar. My low points come at the same time every year and strike with the same symptoms (lethargy, trouble getting out of bed, disassociation, irritability, sense of being overwhelmed, anxiety, poor eating habits, lack of motivation to exercise, negative self talk.) Then Christmas comes and my mood improves slightly. Then the New Year comes and I feel refreshed and re-charged. Every year after I come through the 'dark period' I tell myself, "Don't let this happen again next year." I've added it to this year's list.

  • Drink more water: I succeeded at this tangible goal. Sometimes you have to throw some easy ones on the list.

  • Find a way to work remotely 1 month in the next 2 years: We only have about another year to make this one come true. I've added it to this year's list.

What are your resolutions/goals for 2012?

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