Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Boy Who Cried Wolp (Wolf)

About 6 months ago, Beatrice first heard "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" fairy tale. Since then, she has been obsessed with it. For about a month I had to tell the story to her every night at bedtime. Coincidentally she also started this habit of complaining about a belly ache on a daily basis. Mostly the belly ache strikes at clean up time or bedtime.

This video of her re-telling this cautionary tale is priceless.


  1. makeup? no makeup-- she always get rosy cheeks for some reason. and her red lips, just chapped. she may be on to something..

  2. That was the cutest thing ever!!!

  3. her eyelashes look amazing - like they have mascara or something! i'm jealous!

  4. that is too flippin cute!! She totally looks like she has makeup on too!
