Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Beatrice, I don't want to forget how your hair feels. Your wild, adorable hair has been well documented on this blog. I wish I could somehow add a 'feel' feature to this post, kind of like your "Touch n Feel" picture books. I want to remember the texture of your tight little curls at the base of your head, the wiry part at the top of your head, and the swirls and whirls on the crown.

I want to remember the way your neck cranes and your head jerks every time I try and run my fingers through each and every little curl while you watch your cartoons. I want to remember your priceless expression every time I try to put a barrette or headband on you, as if to say: "You think you can tame this 'do."

I'm sure it will change as you get older, the curls will become tighter or looser. You'll mature into a young woman and start in with the hair gels, hairspray, hair color, hair dryers, hair straighteners, etc. And I'll long to remember what those tiny, little whirly curls felt like between my thumb and forefinger.

And now for a hair montage...

1 comment:

  1. Your visavo paid good money to get a permanant like yours!
