Friday, June 5, 2009

Sniffle, Sniffle

Wedding season is upon us. Tonight, we have our first of only 2 weddings this year. This is in stark contrast to the year we got married when we had 8 weddings. Then 7 the following year.

I am writing this post, tissues in hand, not because I am getting pre-maturely weepy for tonight's event, but because I am in the throws of a mild spring head cold. Or as Cory likes to taunt: "Oh, boo hoo, Cindy has the sniffles." I think a couple more hours of sleep should do me good. That or a screwdriver.

1 comment:

  1. we beat you in 2005. I think we officially had 9 weddings! I remember that year well, although most of it was cloudy due to all the excessive drinking
