Monday, April 13, 2009

Eastah 2009

Eastah 2009 was lovely. We went to Cory's aunt and uncle's for brunch and to my sister and brother-in-law's for dinner.

One of my favorite parts of any holiday is making goodies for the host or hostess. This year, I made Amish Friendship Bread . Amish Friendship Bread is basically a bread chain letter. Someone (in my case, my mother-in-law) gives you 'starter' bread mix in a Ziploc bag, then you do stuff to it for 10 days. On the 10th day, you add more ingredients (mostly sugar, flour, and oil) and bake. The results are ridiculously delicious and really bad for you. It actually tastes more like a coffee cake but with a yeasty, bread-y hint.
I also made eggshell planters. I saw these last month in a magazine when I was at the doctor's office with my mom. At about minute 55 of waiting for the surgeon, she flips to the section on Easter crafts. We read through the instructions for a couple of minutes, then the doctor finally comes in. He looks my mom over, chats for about 5 minutes, writes a couple of prescriptions, and goes on his way. As we're gathering our stuff to leave (mind you the door is still open and there are doctors, nurses, and patients milling about), my mother makes eyes with me and motions to the magazine, "whispering" in Portuguese "Want me to put it in my purse?" I just look at her, with that, "C'mon, are you serious?" face. She shrugs, shakes her head and says, "Oh, what's the big deal. Your sister does it all the time." Awesome.
We did not stuff the mag into her purse, nor did we tear out the spread, as she also suggested. I assured her that the Internet would offer the same information. Lo and behold, it did: Eggshell Planters.


  1. P.S. These are lies, I have never stolen a magazine. I am way too much of a scardey cat!
    ~The Older Sister

  2. Evidentally your mother thinks otherwise. I would sue for slander if I were you.

  3. Our friendship bread was more like crack bread, it was gone in 24 hours.

  4. i warned you, Dunegan. that stuff should be illegal.

  5. So Jules... I've been trying some of Big Mami's Amish Friendship Chain Letter Bread... and it seems as though you missed an integral part of the "chain letter"... where's the starter dough?

  6. GhettoGold54- That's the beauty/curse of the Amish chain. You can only make it w/ the starter. I think I can get you some... you name the dark alley and i'll meet you there.
