Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Beatrice Isabel's First Day of Preschool

My darling girl,

Today was your first day of preschool. Last night when I was tucking you in, you could barely contain your glee. You told me, "Mama, I am so 'cited to go to school." Your enthusiasm was electric.

This morning you proudly donned your new dress, shoes, and backpack, and hit the road towards 13 years of school days. You were so brave, taking your new teacher's hand and walking towards your new school. You didn't utter a whimper or make that little, barely perceptible 'nervous' face that only your Mama and Daddy can detect a mile away.

When i picked you up this afternoon you told me all about your day. True to form, you first told me that you had Graham crackers and juice for snack (you are your mother's daughter!) You played catch in the gym and there's even a sandbox in your class with real sand!

Its days like this when I am again reminded of how lucky I am to be your mother and how blessed I am to walk with you through these milestones.

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