Sunday, January 3, 2010

Requisite New Year's Post

Happy New Year to all! So far we're off to a good start. This constant snowfall has kept us inside and cozy. Lots of closet organizing and nesting. I am one of those weird people that likes to move around furniture or swap out tables, chairs, and decor regularly (luckily my husband is the same way.) Today I am plotting how to convert the office desk into a kitchen table. Too bad my ideas don't generally mesh with reality... my measuring and depth perception skills could use some work.

Did you make any resolutions for 2010? I started this blog shortly after the new year last year and start a blog was on my 2009 list, along with the goals on my list the the left. I've accomplished most of those things, with widely varying degrees of success.

I am having a tough time thinking of resolutions for 2010 because I feel like much of my year will be devoted to or consumed by being pregnant, nursing, taking care of a newborn, wrangling a toddler, and trying to keep my husband from divorcing me. Ideally 2010 would be my year to get back into shape but realistically I know that my body will not be my own till at least 2011.
But that's no excuse, I do need to get back to the gym for the remainder of this pregnancy. Post pregnancy is another issue. With baby #1, I worked out most of my pregnancy, then didn't go back to the gym until 7 months post-partum. I am not going to set a date in my mind when I need to go back because I'll have enough going on. But I have no excuse for right now. So I like the rest of America, will be back at the gym tomorrow. So cliche, I know.

While I don't have clear cut resolutions for 2010, I guess I do have some 'goals.'
  1. Carry and birth a healthy baby: This will involve aforementioned working out, drinking more water, and laying off the deli sandwiches. I know, I am a bad mama so far.
  2. Find a name for this coming baby: We may have to employ Cory's parents method of baby naming. Cory's father was really superstitious when it came to the unborn child (not uncommon for the Jewish folk) so he wouldn't discuss baby matters, let alone names, until the baby was here. Cory's mom had a couple of names she liked but evidently they didn't jive with the father. So the final decision came down to copy-cat naming. The couple that gave birth next to Cory's parents named her baby Cory. And then there were 2 Cory's. So we might be that couple poking around the nursery at the hospital, looking for ideas.
  3. Transition Beatrice to her new room and new role as big sister: This one will be a tough one. I do get sad thinking of her little world being turned upside down. But I am definitely being more mindful of the times we are spending just the 3 of us and the alone time I have with her. She is at the best age right now. Her little imagination is running wild and I laugh probably about 10 times a day at something she does. We are truly blessed.
  4. Make a list of all the things I want to eat guilt free during this pregnancy and eat them all with reckless abandon. ( Spoken like a true fatty.)
  5. Go away with Cory and Beatrice before the next baby comes.
  6. Go away with just Cory before the next baby comes.

That's a good enough list for now. I do need to update my goals on the left soon too.

On an unrelated note, yesterday we took Beatrice out into the snowy backyard and Cory asked if she wanted to explore and she replied, all wide-eyed, "Yes, Dora." I think she honestly believed she had been transformed into a real life Dora the Explorer.


  1. As for # 4 on your list...My vote is for donuts. I have been taking this to a whole new level with this babe. No longer stopping at just a regular old Dunks for a donut, but some of the local coffee shops. Oh this poor child....and Glucose test this week, so need to live it up while I can :)

  2. For some reason I wanted donuts all weekend. I asked Ryan to go and get a dozen donuts and he fearfully responded, "Are you pregnant?" For the record, no!

  3. I'm not gonna lie, I had a couple of sleeves of those powdered and chocolate covered mini-donuts early on in the pregnancy. That craving has subsided thankfully!
