Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mucus Party

I feel like all I've been doing for the past couple of days is blowing noses (mine and my child's.) She has the continuous runny nose that all 2 year old's have for the entire winter. Mine is an annoying low grade head cold that won't go away. I won't bore you with the details.

On an unrelated note, here is my PSA for the week. Check your carbon monoxide monitors. Also, make sure they are set up lower to the ground (not on the ceiling like your smoke detectors.) Evidently carbon monoxide is a heavy gas that takes a while to rise (unlike smoke.) My sister got this information from the firemen that came to check the dangerously high levels of carbon monoxide in her house last night after the alarm sounded. The levels were dangerously high (a result of a furnace that needs to be replaced) so they had to leave for the night. No wonder they nap so much over there!


  1. Thanks for the sympathy dummy, that is CO (carbon monoxide) not CO2 (carbon dioxide).

  2. sorry i'm not up on my element table! fixed.

  3. wow... very scientific around here.

  4. Isabel's comment --> classic. Swing by Walsh and pick up a copy of the Periodic Table of Elements in your spare time so you're no longer and embarassment to Framingham's public education system. Oh, and feel better.
