Friday, May 1, 2009

Wear Shoulder Pads

The gals of the 80s had the right idea. Wearing shoulder pads will, in fact, give the illusion of a slimmer waist and narrower hips.

I read this article a couple of weeks ago and saved the link to post about it at a later date:

Stacy London, of What Not to Wear, is interviewed about, among other things, the show's approach to women's body issues: "... never once have Stacy and Clinton told a makeover subject that she's chubby, fat or roly-poly -- and never have they suggested that anyone come back after they've lost a few pounds. In fact, the pair is meticulous in avoiding any negative commentary about a person's weight. Instead, they accentuate the positive, labeling women curvy where others might simply see blubber. "

That comment really resonates with me. I, like many of us, have struggled with a couple (note the vague estimate) extra pounds most of my adult life. What do 5 or 10 extra pounds really do to you? Physically, they can change a pant size, emotionally, they can throw you into a serious funk. (For the record, I'm not talking about extra weight that poses a health risk.) My 'goal' weight has steadily gone up throughout the years to a weight that is reasonable for me to maintain but I feel like there are always those extra lbs. nagging me, taunting me. My challenge is food, mostly compulsive, night time, or stress/boredom eating. I've usually been able to keep the exercise part in check so food really is the culprit.

So until I figure out a way to eat only when hungry (who does that!) I will heed Stacy's advice and accentuate the positive because at the end of the day I think its about re-framing how you feel about your body today. It's about dressing for the size you are now, not the size you want to be. It's about knowing what styles/cuts look good on you. For me, I am broad-shouldered and carry extra weight in my chest area and arms so tube tops and spaghetti straps are not really my best bet. (As an aside and because I can't ever complete a linear thought... when Cory and I first started dating, he told me that I had a back like a swimmer. Did he think that was a compliment? And it was before this swimmer got popular, so no, he was not likening me to her.) It's also about eating healthy and with a purpose, exercising, enjoying a good meal, being active, breathing in fresh air, sweating , indulging and rewarding yourself (sometimes with a big ice cream sundae), and being comfortable in your own skin.

Here's what it's NOT about: It's not about dressing like a frump because you don't want to buy a larger size. It's not about keeping a closet full of clothes that will never fit you again. It's not about brow-beating yourself for over-indulging on occasion. It's not about negative self-talk (would you ever allow someone to say those things to you?) It's really not about the lingering extra pounds.

These are all easy things to type and easy things to say. Obviously the harder part is correcting your behavior each and every day. Some days I succeed and other days I fail miserably. And that's OK.

Truthfully, my closet is a mess. I know, in my heart of hearts, Stacy and Clinton will answer my prayers. They will knock on my door, hand over that $5K credit card, play raw footage of me in too-tight work out pants (even on days when I have no intentions of going to the gym) and I will embrace it. I will act surly and play fight with Stacy. I will make subtle passes at Clinton and pretend I forgot the 'rules' while shopping. I will feign intense concentration while Carmindy demonstrates how to correctly apply rouge. And then, after the big reveal, I will tear up and thank Clinton and Stacy for changing my life and I will promise them my second-born. I swear to God, I will do all of those things.


  1. Is it too late to try and get on the show with the C card?

  2. absolutely not too late. especially if you throw the miracle baby in there. perfect for sweeps time.

  3. Love this blog - absolutely about accepting yourself as you are today, while still trying to be the best version of you that you can be (within reason - some indulgence but always postive talk)! Does this mean you're going to wear a wrap with shoulder pads in bri's wedding? -KM
